Reflecting On The Experienced People Sholeh Disaster

Maybe today, or at some point we all have experienced or feel that we are living life is a disaster. The reason is because we feel can not or have never achieved a complete success.

Here is some advice from the verses of Qur'an, hadith and scholars saying that hopefully entertain everybody who is experiencing a disaster.

Given the unfortunate Feels Light with Experienced People Suffering Salih

Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,

ليعز المسلمين في مصائبهم المصيبة بي

"The accident that happened to me was going to entertain the Muslims."

In another lafazh mentioned.

من عظمت مصيبته فليذكر مصيبتي, فإنها ستهون عليه مصيبته

"Anyone who feels heavy when menghapi calamity, then remember the disaster that happened to me. He will be floating face disaster. "

Apparently, the unfortunate people who are sholih of us are more severe than we experience. We should not continue to dissolve in grief.

Increasingly Strong Faith, It Will Keep The Tested

Of Mus'ab ibn Sa'id-an-tabi'in from his father, he said,

يا رسول الله أى الناس أشد بلاء

"O Messenger of Allah, which is the most severe human ordeal?" He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam replied,

«الأنبياء ثم الأمثل فالأمثل فيبتلى الرجل على حسب دينه فإن كان دينه صلبا اشتد بلاؤه وإن كان فى دينه رقة ابتلى على حسب دينه فما يبرح البلاء بالعبد حتى يتركه يمشى على الأرض ما عليه خطيئة»

"The Prophet, then the semisalnya and semisalnya again. Someone will be tested in accordance with the conditions of his religion. If religion is so strong (strong), then the weight of the exam anyway. Where religion is weak, then he will be tested in accordance with the quality of his religion. A servant will always get a test until he walked the earth in a state of mortal sin. "

Beyond Disaster, Sure Way Out There

In a letter Nasyroh Nature, Allah Ta'ala says,

فإن مع العسر يسرا

"Because the real hardship comes ease." (Surah Alam Nasyroh: 5)

This verse was repeated after that,

إن مع العسر يسرا

"Verily after hardship comes ease." (Surah Alam Nasyroh: 6)

Shaykh 'Abdur-Rahman ibn Nasir As Sa'di says, "The word al' usr (hard) using alif-lam and show a general (istigroq) that all sorts of trouble. This shows that no matter how hard it is, the end of each difficulty is ease. "

The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,

وأن مع العسر يسرا

"With difficulty, comes ease."

Faith is the realization of the patient

'Ali ibn Abi Tholib said,

الصبر من الإيمان بمنزلة الرأس من الجسد, ولا إيمان لمن لا صبر له.

"Patience and faith are like the heads on human bodies. Therefore, do not believe (with perfect faith), if one does not have the patience. "

Initially Accidents Only Feels Difficult, But If patient will be more easy

Hudhayfah Ibn Yemen said,

إن الله لم يخلق شيئا قط إلا صغيرا ثم يكبر, إلا المصيبة فإنه خلقها كبيرة ثم تصغر.

"Verily Allah does not create anything but rather from small to large but disaster. The accident, God created him from a large state would then be small. "

God created all things, for example in the creation of man through the stages from childhood to adulthood (large) like in the word of God,

هو الذي خلقكم من تراب ثم من نطفة ثم من علقة ثم يخرجكم طفلا ثم لتبلغوا أشدكم ثم لتكونوا شيوخا

"It is He Who created you from dust then from a drop of sperm, then from a clot of blood, then you as a child's birth, then (you are allowed to live) so you get to the (adult), then (let you live longer) until old. "(Surah Ghofir: 67)

But for the accident was not the case. Accidents come in great condition, namely heavy. However, it will gradually become lighter if someone willing to be patient.

Be patient in Early Disaster

Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,

إنما الصبر عند الصدمة الأولى

"Whose name should patiently began when disaster struck early."

That's the real patient. Patient who is not really complain when it was first at the beginning of the disaster.

Pahala People who Want to Be patient Without Borders

Remember the promise of God,

إنما يوفى الصابرون أجرهم بغير حساب

"Those who are patient, the reward for them is without reckoning (infinity)." (Surah Az-Zumar: 10). Al Auza'i said that the reward can not be mixed and weighed. Ibn Juraij said that the reward for those who are patient can not be counted at all, but he will be given extra from it. That is, their reward is infinite. As Sudi said that while the reward of those who are patient was paradise.

Will Replace Getting Better

Umm Salamah, one of the wives of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, said that he had heard the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said,

أم سلمة زوج النبى - صلى الله عليه وسلم - تقول سمعت رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - يقول «ما من عبد تصيبه مصيبة فيقول إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون اللهم أجرنى فى مصيبتى وأخلف لى خيرا منها إلا أجره الله فى مصيبته وأخلف له خيرا منها ». قالت فلما توفى أبو سلمة قلت كما أمرنى رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - فأخلف الله لى خيرا منه رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم -.

"Anyone from a disaster-stricken servant and he said: 'Inna wa inna lillahi ilaihi rooji'un. Allahumma'jurnii FII LII mushibatii wa akhlif khoiron minhaa [All things belong to God and will return to Him. O Allah, grant rewards to happen to me and give disaster ang replace with a better] ", then God will give him reward in musibahnya and replace it with something better." When Abu Salamah (my husband) died, I called the prayer as the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam commanded me. God had given me a better husband than my husband who was the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. "

The supplication mentioned in this hadith should be pronounced by a Muslim when he was stricken disaster and he should understand. God willing, with this change he will get better.

Hopefully that finds misfortune to deal with a little more light entertainment. May we always be awarded the patience of God Almighty.

Praise be to God that with His blessings of all good to be perfect

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